Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

‍Heavy Rains Makes Normal Life Standstill, Festivities Goes Haywire In Hyderabad

Since last two days, heavy rains lashed Hyderabad due to depression formed in Bay of Bengal which halted the normal life. The bakrid festival preparations are become standstill. According to IMD the next 48 hours predicted as red alert with heavy rains in the state.

Torrential rain overnight has left behind a trail of destruction in Hyderabad, reminding people of the devastating floods in October last year. Several localities were flooded, forcing people to spend sleepless nights as rainwater entered homes. The traffic system disrupted, several educational institutions declared holiday and universities postponed several examinations due to heavy rains.

Living and commuting in the city has become nothing short of a nightmare when there is a heavy spell. Storm water drains and lack of proper meshes along the wall of drains have led to the loss of lives during the monsoon season in the last few years.

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One such incident was that of a 54-yr-old man in Qutbullahpur who died by falling into an open drain last year. Though there was a chain link mesh, it was rusty and partially broken, resulting in the accident. In another incident, a techie stepped into a drain, thinking it was a road as there was no specific demarcation.

While these are two incidents, commuting during the rainy season has become life-threatening for many. Of course, in the techie’s case, action had been taken against irresponsible officials who left the manhole open in Manikonda.

In most colonies, the main problem residents face is open nalas and drains without any mesh or chain link mesh. It is hard to distinguish between a Nala and a road when it rains heavily. The problem is severe near the trenches. GHMC has constructed small roads over culverts in many areas. But this is not helping when the rains are heavy. People are not able to distinguish between the Nala and the road.

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However, the officials say when the drain is less than two meters in width; safety measures include laying slabs or covers and constructing box or pipe drains wherever the drain is open. However, a retaining wall or chain-linked mesh is the only option to prevent mishaps when the width is over two meters. #KhabarLive #hydnews #hyderabadnews

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