Salim Ali, the celebrated Indian ornithologist known as the “Birdman of India,” began his remarkable journey in...
Historical Exploration
Tucked away in the bustling lanes of Hyderabad, Bibi-Ka-Chashma is a serene oasis and ancient marvel with...
Hyderabad, the city of pearls, is known for many things, with Biryani, Haleem, and Charminar topping the list....
Once a bustling port, Masulipatnam played a pivotal yet often overlooked role in shaping Hyderabad’s history. Its...
Historically Hyderabad have the importance of September 17, Hydkhabar tries to capture a glimpse of unforgettable memories:...
Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb, a centuries-old syncretic culture, symbolizes the harmonious coexistence of Hindu and Muslim traditions in...
Hyderabad-Secunderabad’s street names are a reflection of its rich cultural and historical tapestry. From honoring Nizams and...
Discover the timeless allure of Hyderabad’s Paigah Tombs, a marvel where 18th-century elegance meets a mosaic of...
The journey between Mumbai and Pune reveals far more than a connection between two big cities; it...
After a long research #KhabarLive profiles a battery of food enthusiasts who are out to make sure...