Historic ‘Victoria Zanana Hospital’ On Edge Of Erasing Medical History In Hyderabad
The Telangana High Court is one of the grandest structures in Hyderabad and its rows of red cupolas…
The Telangana High Court is one of the grandest structures in Hyderabad and its rows of red cupolas…
When ‘Precariously poised between excitement and horror’ is how I described my feelings six years ago on the…
The ritual purity of Ganga water (gan˙ga¯ jala) has persisted as a matter of common faith across the…
When Vijayanagar was defeated at the Battle of Talikota in January 1565, what fell with it was the…
The 1857 war of Indian independence changed a lot of things; it changed one rule in the Church…
Many of Hyderabadis would have passed by ‘that reddish building near the High Court’ in the old city…
In the melee during the initial hours of battle for Golconda by Mughal forces, there was a complete…
The ‘Poor man’s Tirumula’ is the popular pseudonym for Kurumurthy temple touted to be one of the oldest…
Women being the important element of our society holds a lot of responsibilities towards their household and world…
With Mir Osman Ali Khan, last Nizam of Hyderabad, projected in poor light by certain political groups in…