The image of a young Prince in love braving the mighty river known for the turbulence of...
At one point in time, one must realise that nothing stays the same forever and the film...
An actor beyond compare. Sometimes, the journalist within me takes a backseat when it comes to intruding...
Mir Mahboob Ali Khan was taken to court by the trader who sold him the huge Jacob...
It’s the craftsmen who had kept alive the legacy of monuments. The dull rhythmic sound of a...
The census figures are in line with the report of the Sachar Committee that was set up...
The fact that women are facing discrimination and prejudices in working place are well known in our...
Muslims in India form the largest religious minority in the country. According to the 2011 Census, they...
Here’s a list of places where you can satiate your Hyderabadi biryani fantasies without burning a hole...
Successive Union governments have refused to release funds needed to disburse scholarships to eligible Scheduled Caste and...