In the realm of corporate transitions, few journeys are as fraught with intrigue and complexity as the...
In the bustling streets of Hyderabad, something exciting is happening more and more young people are getting...
Once upon a screen, in the magical world of YouTube, there’s a place called Cocomelon. It’s like...
In the vast tapestry of India’s landscape, a silent tragedy unfolds every day, hidden behind the vibrant...
Within the dynamic landscape of Indian education lies a tapestry woven with diverse threads of strengths, weaknesses,...
In the vibrant tapestry of India’s educational landscape, a profound metamorphosis is underway – an epochal shift...
{In Part 1, the Madrasa Boards of India and their origin, history, and relevance were discussed.} Despite...
(This is the first of a two-part series making an intellectual case for the same.) The word...
A sponsored post and a paid ad are two different forms of advertising, although they share some...
The revival of Nizam Sugar Factory has become a sticky political issue to present Congress government. #Khabarlive...